Investors would be taxed less if this idea gets the green light. Recently, President Trump and Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin both voiced their support for an intriguing idea: the indexing of capital gains.1 The idea is not…
Financial Planning
If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If you are in or near retirement, it is a safe bet that you would like more yield from your investments rather than less. That truth sometimes leads…
Someday, you or your parents could be at risk. You may know victims of financial elder abuse. According to a new Wells Fargo Elder Needs Survey, almost half of Americans do.1 As you read or hear stories about seniors…
What you should know about naming a minor as an IRA beneficiary. Can a child inherit an IRA? The answer is yes, though they cannot legally own the IRA and its invested assets. Until the child turns 18 (or…
A lack of money is but one answer. Common wisdom says that you should start saving for retirement as soon as you can. Why do some people wait decades to begin? Nearly everyone can save something. Even small cash…
Turn your intent into a commitment. Goals give you focus. To find and establish your investing and saving goals, first ask yourself what you want to accomplish. Do you want to build an emergency fund? Build college savings for…
What steps can a family take? Besides impacting lives and relationships, dementia can also impact family finances. It may call for another family member to assume money management responsibilities for a parent, grandparent, or sibling. It may increase the…
Even with less itemizing, there are still documents you want to retain for years to come. Fewer taxpayers are itemizing in the wake of federal tax reforms. You may be one of them, and you may be wondering how…
And for how long? You might be surprised how many people have financial documents scattered all over the house – on the kitchen table, underneath old newspapers, in the hall closet, in the basement. If this describes your financial…
This is the factor that could really build wealth for young adults. Most wealth is built gradually. Sometimes it is built without any great financial sacrifice. You can cite one factor that promotes wealth building perhaps more than any…