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Retirement Social Security

Could Social Security Really Go Away?

That may be unlikely, but the program does face financial challenges. Will Social Security run out of money in the 2030s? You may have heard warnings about this dire scenario coming true. These warnings, however, assume that no action…


Behind on Your Retirement Savings?

What steps could you take to try and catch up? If life has not allowed you to build substantial retirement savings, what possible steps could you take in an effort to improve your retirement prospects? You could play catch-up.…


Could Assumptions Harm Your Retirement Plan?

Three common misconceptions to think about. Assuming retirement will last 10-15 years. When Social Security was created in the 1930s, the average American could anticipate living to age 58 as a man or 62 as a woman. By 2014,…


Certain Uncertainties in Retirement

Two financial unknowns may erode our degree of confidence. The financial uncertainties we face in retirement may risk reducing our sense of confidence, potentially undermining our outlook during those years. Indeed, according to the 2018 Retirement Confidence Survey by…


Is America Prepared to Retire?

A look at some ways to get ready. Are Americans saving enough? Only 19% of U.S. adults describe themselves as “very confident” when asked about their savings. Worry spots include retiring without enough money saved (16%) and anxiety about…


Traditional vs. Roth IRA’s

Perhaps both traditional and Roth IRAs can play a part in your retirement plans. IRAs can be an important tool in your retirement savings belt, and whichever you choose to open could have a significant impact on how those…