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Financial Planning

Financial Planning Retirement

The Many Forms of Fixed Income

Looking for yield? Treasuries aren’t your only choice.   You want to draw some income while preserving some of your capital. So, you decide to take a look at fixed-income investments. A little research shows you that 10-year Treasury…

Financial Planning Retirement

Tax Efficiency in Retirement

What role should taxes play in your investment decisions? Will you pay higher taxes in retirement? Do you have a 401(k) or a traditional IRA? If so, you will receive income from both after age 72. However, if you…

Financial Planning Retirement

The New Inherited IRA Rules

Do you know what has changed for I.R.A. beneficiaries? New inherited I.R.A. rules took effect on January 1, 2020. The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act became law on that day, altering the regulations on inherited…

Financial Planning Retirement

Retirement Seen Through Your Eyes

After you leave work, what will your life look like? How do you picture your future? If you are like many contemplating retirement, your view is likely pragmatic compared to that of your parents. That doesn’t mean you must…

Financial Planning Retirement

Retirement Blindspots

Some life and financial factors that can sometimes be overlooked. We all have our “blue sky” visions of the way retirement should be, yet our futures may unfold in ways we do not predict. So, as you think about…

Financial Planning

Your Year-End Financial Checklist

Aspects of your financial life to review as the year draws to a close. The end of the year can help remind us of last-minute things we need to address and the goals we want to accomplish. To that…