American spending habits have taken a clear direction. Among the many changes arising from the pandemic, one of the most noticeable was a change in American spending habits. A survey released…
What does inflation mean for your investments? In August of 2020, the Fed announced that it is willing to allow inflation to run higher than normal in order to support the…
Play ball! Major League Baseball scheduled Opening Day for April 1, but two states have already scored with spring training underway. Every year, spring training divides the 30 MLB teams into…
The important question: are you prepared? Addressing the potential threat of extended care expenses may be one of the biggest financial challenges for individuals who are developing a retirement strategy. The…
How generational and societal change is influencing companies and the markets. ESG: what does that acronym stand for? Those three letters stand for “Environmental, Social, and Governance” and signify an…
Looking for yield? Treasuries aren’t your only choice. You want to draw some income while preserving some of your capital. So, you decide to take a look at fixed-income investments.…
What role should taxes play in your investment decisions? Will you pay higher taxes in retirement? Do you have a 401(k) or a traditional IRA? If so, you will receive income…
Do you know what has changed for I.R.A. beneficiaries? New inherited I.R.A. rules took effect on January 1, 2020. The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act became law…
After you leave work, what will your life look like? How do you picture your future? If you are like many contemplating retirement, your view is likely pragmatic compared to that…
Watch Your December Statements. This time of year, you might glance at an account statement and see there has been an adjustment. But there may not be any cause for concern.…